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Seven Active Learning Techniques

Writer's picture: Eve HowardEve Howard

Active Learning, E-learning, Teaching


Active learning methods get students creativity flowing through designed activities that help them engage by thinking, discussing, investigating, and creating. Students will develop skills through practice by solving problems, becoming deeply involved with complex questions, making decisions, proposing solutions, and explaining ideas using presentations, writings and discussions. Some active learning activities are listed below:

#1 Case Studies

Designing real life stories about community, family , school, industry or individuals that prompts students to analyze and integrate their classroom knowledge with real world situations that causes them to evaluate and discuss the actions and consequences of those actions. Typically a rubric is designed for evaluation purposes.

#2 Inquiry Learning

These activities have students using an investigative process to discover concepts themselves. Once a teacher identifies the concept they want the student to learn, a question is posed that that causes the student to make observations, pose hypotheses and speculate on conclusions. In the conclusion students share their findings and tie the activity back to the main concept.

"If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you" – Zig Ziglar

#3 Role Playing

Learning activities that are designed so students act out a part or position that causes them to think about, analyze and discuss the concepts and theories being discussed.

#4 Hands On Technology

Simulations immerse students into learning by making them make decisions, reflect and re-evaluate as they move through the simulation. Some great business simulation software can be found at Marketplace Solutions as well as Harvard Business Review.

#5 Jigsaw Discussion

The instructor will take a general topic and break it down into smaller, interrelated pieces using a jigsaw picture. Every member of the team becomes an expert on their piece of the puzzle then teach the other members. Once all members have finished teaching the puzzle has been reassembled. Also could be used in business courses teaching teamwork, analyze how accounting, marketing, research & development, administration and sales all work together to come to solutions in the business world.

#6 Cooperative Groups in Class

Design a question for each cooperative group, act as a facilitator by moving around the room asking further questions as you listen in on the groups, as you keep them on task. Once all groups have had a chance to discuss, have them stand and present their findings with the rest of the class

#7 Writing Activities Such as the "Minute Paper"

During a presentation or lecture, have students take out a piece of paper, state the topic of the presentation or lecture to the learners and then have them write down as many facts as they can remember about the topic within 1-2 minutes.

In Conclusion

There are many types of activities that can engage your learners. These are just a few ideas, you can find a comprehensive list at the Center for Teaching Innovation. If you are a teacher or e-learning designer be sure to check out these helpful resources. Also take a look at this video for more in-depth learning.

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